Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fire Station Field Trip

Last Thursday, we went with Parker's preschool group to the Fire Station. Parker & Connor had been talking about it all week...they were SO excited to see the fire truck, see the fireman, and check out the fire station too! Where do the fireman sleep? Do they have an exercise room? Where is the the kitchen?...those were all questions they had been asking throughout the course of the week. So, when Thursday morning arrived, they were beyond thrilled!!!

They did get to see the exercise room, the kitchen, and where the fireman sleep...but, there were some other fun parts too!!

The fireman taught them some special fire safety how to Stop, Drop & Roll...
And, to get down on your hand & knees to crawl out of a building on fire...
The got to see the fireman all dressed up & talked about how this is the way a fireman would look if they ever needed to come into a burning building to find them...

But, of course, the firetruck was the biggest hit!!

Having two boys means lots of talking about fireman!! We are so thankful for the fireman who took time to show us how important their job really is and all the things we can do to be safe!!