Friday, May 27, 2011

Playing Catch-Up: Field Trips

We took 2 different field trips with Connor's preschool in April. One to the Zoo (always a favorite) and a we tried out the Idaho Botanical Gardens for the first time....both were lots of fun for the kids!!

Here the boys are at the seems we always have to take a picture by the penguins!!...

Hiding in a grass hut (by the lions!)....

The next two are from our field trip to the botanical garden....

I think I have as much fun on the field trips as the kids!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Playing Catch-Up: Piano Recital Time

Abbie & Annie had their Spring Piano Recital on the middle of's fun to see how much they improve from one recital to the seems, this time, both of them have made some amazing progress!! They both performed beautifully & I think they both should be pleased with themselves!

On a side note, the recital was held at a new studio this time....the piano Abbie & Annie played on a beautiful, full sized grand piano! It was gorgeous!!

Playing Catch-up: Annie's Birthday

Annie had her birthday in April....It's hard to believe that my Annie-Bear is already 9 years old. But, she is....and I think she had a fabulous day!!

I may be a little biased...but I think she's beautiful!! :)